Mining Fuel Systems

Maximize your fueling efficiency with portable fuel systems.

Mining Fuel Pumps Mining Fuel System
Mining Underground Fuel Mining Aboveground Fuel System

Mining Fuel Systems

U-Fuel specializes in providing multiple fuel tanks with high speed transfer pumps for mining operations.

  • Up to 240,000 gallons of diesel storage capacity
  • Refuel up to 16 haul trucks at 150GPM
  • On-site installation and startup available
  • Fuel level monitoring
  • Real-time fuel management systems with vehicle and driver identification options

U -Fuel's original patent for mounting a tank on a structural base with one or more pumps, filters, a fuel control system with reels was ideal for mining operations requiring that fuel be available close to where equipment was working. U-Fuel's' structural base was modified to become a skid with tow points so tractors could pull it to new locations within the mine. The structural base was extended to the rear to allow addition of a generator to provide power for the pump and fuel management system.

Initial fuel management systems were simple key lock consoles with a key for each piece of equipment. Serving larger mines required card and other electronic vehicle authorization with databases communicated back to the main office to allow monitoring equipment usage, fuel consumption and scheduling periodic maintenance. Some mines requested separate systems designed for various types of equipment.

Initially the most popular U-Fuel system mounded on skids were 12,000 gallons and lightweight in terms of mining equipment. Today, the most popular fuel systems on skids are 30,000 gallons, which can be manifolded to automatically transfer fuel from one tank to another, reducing the need to monitor fuel in each tank. These most popular configurations are 4 to 8 tanks manifolded with 2 to 4 dispensing points transferring filtered fuel at 120 to 200 gallons per minute.

Another issue is transferring fuel from the delivery trucks to the tanks, which U-Fuel solves using high flow transfer pumps mounted on the non-dispensing end of the tanks. This process saves time and eliminates problems caused when the delivery truck does not have adequate equipment.

Another advantage of using the U-Fuel skid system is the ability to load and unload large tanks without the need of a crane in remote parts of the world.

U-Fuel still provides small fuel systems for underground mines, repair shops, and mine support areas. Many of these smaller underground fuel systems are supported by above ground tanks with piping extending thousands of feet.

  • Clean fuel for mining fleets at 20 to 200 gallons per minute, reporting usage by vehicle while complying with safety and environmental regulations. Many types of systems are available to meet specific mine requirements for aboveground or underground mines.
  • U-Fuel filtration is essential to maintain clean fuel, minimize maintenance, and limit downtime.
  • U-Fuel equipment can be placed at fixed locations or on skids to be repositioned as the mine develops, reducing cost. 30,000 gallon tanks are manifolded to store large amounts of fuel and fill 16 trucks at the same time.
  • Secondarily contained tanks for underground fueling are designed to be filled from the surface, minimizing release of toxic fumes underground.